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o 1st place receives 2 extra entries for grand prize, Trophies (4)o 2nd place receives 1 extra entry for grand prize, Trophies (4)o 3rd place receives 1 extra entry for grand prize
o You need to have played a minimum of 32 matches to participate in the team event.o Participation is mandatory for inclusion in the grand prize drawo Full handicaps are in effect throughout the evento 100$ entry per team (green fees included)o 2 tier, Round robin, 5 rounds B side, 6 rounds A side.o Teams must play all gameso Decision by overall points. In the event of a tie decided by games won
o Finals, Tier A + B, Single elimination top 4 teams (division), 1 vs 4, 2 vs 3 decided by points, cash prizes + trophies (1st and 2nd)
o You need to have played a minimum of 32 matches to participate in the singles evento Entry 20$ + 5$ green feeso Double eliminationo 2 tier, cut-off at 7.5 (with discretion)o Tier A : Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th / 6tho Tier B : Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th / 6th
o Names will be discarded until 2 teams remain to be drawno Only 1 grand prize per teamo Two (2) cash prizes of 4000$