Ligue de Billard de Montreal

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Scotch Double RUles

Referree Zone > BCAPL

9 The Game
Scotch Doubles is a game played by 2 teams of two players. Each team of two players take alternate turns until their inning is up. Scotch Doubles presents a unique blend of teamwork and individual effort, and the regulations reflect that blend. Although you play as a team, there are times when a single person must make a decision without consulting their teammate. Coaching and communication present special enforcement challenges, and are addressed here. Please familiarize yourself with these regulations and follow them carefully.

9-1 Breaking
1. When it is your team’s turn to break, either player may break. You may discuss the decision with your partner. You are not required to maintain the order of play from any preceding game.
2. The team not breaking may discuss who will take the first shot for their team but the decision must be made before the breaking team’s inning ends. If you do not make the decision by the time the breaking team’s inning ends, then the player listed first on the score sheet must shoot.
3. In 8-Ball, if you pocket the 8-ball on a legal break, and do not foul, your partner must make the decision whether to spot the 8-ball and continue to shoot or re-rack and break again. If a re-rack is chosen the player who broke the original rack must break again.
If you pocket the 8-ball on an illegal break the incoming player must make the decision whether to take the break or have the original breaker re-break.
In either case, the decision may not be discussed between partners.
All other game formats (9-Ball, 10-Ball, etc.) follow the specific game rules for after the break.

9-2 Continuing Play
1. After the break, players on a team alternate shots during their inning. The order of play must be maintained between innings. If a player shoots out of turn it is a foul.

9-3 Coaching
1. During your inning, you may not communicate with your partner or make suggestions of any kind (e.g., offer a mechanical bridge without being asked). Whether coaching has occurred is determined solely by the judgment of the referee.
2. During your opponent’s inning, you may quietly discuss anything you wish with your partner. All discussion and communication must stop immediately when your opponent’s inning ends.
3. Any player on either team, regardless of whose turn at the table it is, may:
a. call a foul;
b. request a stoppage of play to summon a referee, or suggest that a referee be summoned;
c. inquire whose turn it is;
d. inquire what group they have.

9-4 Time Outs
1. Each team is entitled to one five-minute time out per match. The time-out must be taken between games. It is a foul if a team member leaves the playing area without authorization during a game.

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